Make a Difference . . .
Our church operates solely on the basis of donations.
Each week, mainly by bank transfer, most of our people contribute financially to our ministry.
What that means is, we use the money to pay salaries and running expenses and to make charitable donations to people who need it, both locally and overseas. By doing these things we try to responsibly run the church whilst we “Make disciples of Jesus who love God, Each Other and the World more!”
Throughout the bible, the picture we are given is to test God’s generosity to us by being generous ourselves, especially to those who are struggling.
We believe we should each aim to donate at least 10% of our personal income, although we acknowledge that sometimes we are the ones who are struggling and therefore the amount we give, varies accordingly.
Jesus actually asks us to give 100% of our lives to him – so we are all challenged continually by what that means for us!
For accounting & budgeting purposes, it helps enormously if people give regularly and consistently.
If you would like to join this process, you can set up your own direct credit to our Bank Account number:
Birkdale Baptist Church
BSB 484-799
A/C 611138294